According to Edmonton police, the number of sexual assaults reported to offers in 2009 climbed, as did the number of alcohol-fuelled sexual assaults.

"People need to know that consent cannot be given freely if a person is intoxicated," said Supt. Danielle Campbell.

Campbell says the public should be made aware that the vast majority of sexual assaults investigated last year were committed by someone the victim knew such as a family member, friend, spouse, co-worker or an acquaintance.

Police say about 650 people reported being sexually assaulted in 2009.

"It's not that there is an increase in alcohol-facilitated sexual assaults that trend has been around since alcohol was created. What we are seeing is an increase in sexual offences overall reported to our service," explains Campbell.

Edmonton police have now partnered with a number of local agencies hoping to reduce the number of sex assaults in the city.