The ultimate summer toy list this season features toys and games that encourage kids to go outside to the park or into a pool.

“I think a lot of parents are looking for toys to get kids away from screens and to get them active,” Ryan Carr with Mastermind Toys said.

This year’s hot toys and games put a twist on old classics.

“When it comes to playing outside there are some simple things they like to do: they like to play catch, they like to splash each other around with water [and] they like to throw things around. The trends that we would see in toys is when people and company take those ideas and do something new and unique with them,” Carr explained.

mastermind toys splash face

Fun Zone Splash Face is a mix of a sprinkler and the game of tug-of-war, turning your backyard into a water park.

“When you pull back and forth, whoever is winning, their opponent gets sprayed in the face with water,” Carr said.

He said kids have been running through sprinklers as a way to have fun and cool down for years, and Splash Face is a new way to do that.

He said the game would be ideal for those between the ages of three and five.

party wheel mastermind toys

The Party Wheel is a toy that can be played with on land or in water.

Like a large hamster wheel, the 54-inch toy is designed to fit a child inside, allowing them to propel the giant wheel in water.

The kids are able to see where they’re going since the Party Wheel is made of frosted and clear vinyl.

The toy is best suited for those who are five years and older.

Aqua Creature Squirterz, Aqua Gear Hydro Charger

It’s not your traditional water gun, in fact, it can be found in the shape of a crocodile or shark.

Aqua Creature Squirterz fits into the palm of your hand. Once it’s submerged in water, you’re ready for a water fight right away.

Meanwhile, the Aqua Gear Hydro Charger holds 350 mL of water and is strapped to your arm, allowing you can carry a reservoir of water with you.

The toys are ideal for those ages four and up.

mastermind toys ogodisk h2o

Water balloons can be thrown – and bounced.

The OgoDisk H20 comes with two hand-held springboards that allow the water balloons to be tossed around.

“You’re going to launch the water balloon back and forth, and try to spring it to your partner or until somebody gets soaked with a water balloon,” Carr said.

mastermind toys sticky mitts ogominton

Playing catch has been reinvented.

Sticky Mitts come with two paddles made out of a unique surface that only attracts the included ball, so dirt or fluff will not stick to the paddles.

OgoMinton is like badminton, but instead of a birdie, it comes with a soft koosh ball.

“This is racket play – which has been around for a long, long time – but this is a version on that that can be that much more fun, new and exciting for kids,” he said.

The games are ideal for those six and up.

electronic punching bag mastermind toys

For kids with a lot of energy, a punching bag that lights up may be the ideal toy.

“This is like a punching bag meets whack-a-mole because the targets will light up, and when you get them, it will make a funny, silly noise,” Carr said.

It stands at 120 cm and is suited for those six and older.

globber scooter mastermind toys

They’re being called the new tricycles. Scooters with three wheels now provide added balance for younger children and can encourage the tikes to go outside.

“When families are going for walks and kids don’t want to come, scooters can change everything,” Carr said.

The latest versions come with light-up decks and wheels.