Hundreds of video and board game enthusiasts participated in a 24-hour gaming marathon to help sick children.

About 200 gamers in the Extra Life marathon at the Commonwealth Community Rec Centre played for 24 straight hours this weekend to raise funds for the Stollery Children’s Hospital.

Last year’s event raised $137,000 to help the hospital and the children it serves. As of Sunday afternoon, $160,000 had been raised, surpassing this year's goal.

"One of the major needs we are looking to support right now is the expansion of our operating rooms," said Mike House, the CEO of the Stollery Children's Hospital.

"We have five operating rooms right now but there are wait times associated with kids. There are only two children’s hospitals in the province, so kids who need major surgery have to usually come here.”

The event is part of a global initiative of the Children’s Miracle Network that encourages gamers to raise money through pledges for local children’s hospitals. Gamers also have the option of completing the marathon from home throughout the upcoming week.

Nearly 5,000 kids receive medical care from children’s hospitals across Canada each day.

In honour of the event, the High Level Bridge was lit up purple and white Saturday evening.