EDMONTON -- Protesters concerned with United Conservative Party (UCP) policies took to the streets in front of Edmonton’s only MLA from that party’s office.

Dozens of cars with signs drove-by UCP MLA Kaycee Madu’s office Saturday to express concern about the curriculum draft, health-care policy, and coal mining in the province.

“It’s extremely frustrating," said Beth Storm, an organizer of the event. "They’ve been in power for two years now and I can’t think of one situation where they’ve truly listened to Albertans,” said Beth Strom, an organizer of the event.

“We are here to come together, there’s folks that care about different issues in Alberta,” she added. “We wanted to come together in a united front to demand that the UCP start listening to the majority of Albertans and not just big corporate donors and extremists.

Storm said the rally was meant to show the UCP of the need to start "listening" to Albertans.

“Start listening to the people that they were elected to represent,” she said.

This is the third protest to take place outside Madu’s constituency office this year.