EDMONTON -- Edmonton's air quality reached a week-high of 10 Saturday afternoon.

Environment Canada's Air Quality Health Index considers 7-10 to be “high risk” and encourages people to reschedule outdoor activities.

The weather agency issued a special air quality statement Saturday morning for Edmonton, St. Albert and Sherwood Park as wildfire smoke from British Columbia and the United States causes poor air quality and reduces visibility in the region.

Edmonton's air quality climbed to a 10 at 4 p.m.

"If you or those in your care are exposed to wildfire smoke, consider taking extra precautions to reduce your exposure," Environment Canada said in its statement. "Wildfire smoke is a constantly-changing mixture of particles and gasses which includes many chemicals that can harm your health."

Edmonton's air quality peaked at 8 on Thursday, forcing the City of Edmonton to close its pools and green shacks, and move summer camps indoors.